Face You and Be Free #eved
It takes Inspiration and a lot of perspiration to achieve one's full potential.
Face You and Be Free #eved
It takes Inspiration and a lot of perspiration to achieve one's full potential.

It takes Inspiration and a lot of perspiration to achieve one's full potential.
It takes Inspiration and a lot of perspiration to achieve one's full potential.
The motley crowd knew nothing of the newly turned Earth. A luscious sight of red hues danced above the waters. The creatures below scurry across clay soil in zest. With no need of an impudent voice a Master is free to rule by will and a slave to serve in supplication. Tranquility gave testament, fantasies created freedom, and light with d
The motley crowd knew nothing of the newly turned Earth. A luscious sight of red hues danced above the waters. The creatures below scurry across clay soil in zest. With no need of an impudent voice a Master is free to rule by will and a slave to serve in supplication. Tranquility gave testament, fantasies created freedom, and light with dark lavished the landscape.
If you seek a castle you shall surely run out of breath first; no Lords or Ladies needed in this dulcet Utopia. The cunts of Cetus may welcome your stay. The sluts of Scutum start the time off right if you can brazen the cold. The Daddy’s of Draco circle the territories. The Owner’s of Ophiuchus uphold the balance. There is no thrust or thwart for power as all who dwell here understand they are the power.
A fresh air of adaptability laced with a curious streak dances in the air. While unconventional and innovative ways lead the charge. Some chose intense taboo and ride the wave. In fire we form and in all we live. Though a charming balance, our restless adventure harkens a new world to form. Be it a Lion or a Lily all have their place in peace.
The air has stagnated, pollutants choking the seeds of sex, and the brave few making a trail through the weeds are unearthing the rapids of change. Tides are restless in descension. I raise my arm, extending the tips of my fingers above the fog. I am left drowning in this desert storm. The Sun is captivated by clouds exposing the darkness
The air has stagnated, pollutants choking the seeds of sex, and the brave few making a trail through the weeds are unearthing the rapids of change. Tides are restless in descension. I raise my arm, extending the tips of my fingers above the fog. I am left drowning in this desert storm. The Sun is captivated by clouds exposing the darkness within. Screaming out to the shadows and demanding to know their names, I am rought. “I have the Master, I know my purpose, yet you hide! Come forth into this dark. You teach to be brave, yet you won’t ignite, and I will wait no longer.” Bent in need and staring in resolve I reach outward and face the reflection of me. I can see her, yet I can’t find her. You hide behind a reflection and expect me to free you. What have you reached that you can’t release? Don’t look for G-d to do it, look at what was made and make the muse dance. Don’t tell the other to open up what is not his to harness.
Conflict: clash of contradictory feelings, a serious disagreement within oneself.
It is funny when we say, write, or hear this word, in pure instinct our body armors up for the defense and the sword is drawn. Yet what is this said armor and exactly what sword do you wield? Well I can not answer this for you; yet, I feel driven to dismay some of my own thoughts and feelings to those who grant me the gift of seeing my words.
I can even read what I write and wonder if I make this life look easy, complex, or worse, too extreme! I see where I play down or safely script words in hopes not to send you screaming away from service. And before I get myself ramped in word ramble this is my armor - I can adjust to anyone's personality and blend in or make you wish you could rip your own skin off. My armor shine is if you call me on it I could easily rebuff that is what a Sagittarius does.
My sword is diabolical at best - it can transform to exactly what I need at any given moment. Do I dare make the pun and remind you a pen is mightier than the sword! I spent my life watching people use words to manipulate or master any given situation while simultaneously studying the fine art of bullshit backsteps. Take this with my armor and I can tell you I have no blame for what I say and I was raised that way.
Let’s get ready to RUMBLE! How the fuck do I go from one extreme to another? The sad answer is I did not have the courage to be anything else. I need to be tough, show no weakness, and never let them see you cry. I would love to blame someone other than myself for this behavior, and trust me the forty years I did you could have never convinced me otherwise. I even had the perfect explanation to defend my struggle with addiction - dam parents DNA is a bitch.
SO…was it a flash of lightning that electrified the light to shine and bam I just knew everything and everything got all better by the time I woke the next day? Oh fuck no, if you are a fan here you all remember the Four Horseman of the Slave Apocalypse. Even after writing that I realized what I had jested on paper was what was not only happening but going to rip me apart for the next two years. You ever see Stranger than Fiction because that shit happened! Was it Mars in retrograde or did my Tarot cards just not play out? Again, it was all me and it was ugly.
This means everything is perfect now right, I mean six years of growing should mean that I am all better? NO! How do I know that? When you start balling your eyes out reading an opening quote of a book to feel the inner child reach out and give you a hug you know you are forever healing. I do need to own up to some shit. Good old social media memories - I posted on BDSMLR long ao a snippy comment towards Brutal Master and Greyhound ”Well if I had a 24/7 camera crew and no job I could do that too.” I remember when I wrote I was writing in my armor and jesting with my sword how simple her life is and how unchallenged she is. When I remembered what I had posted a year or so later I felt shame and straight stupid for mocking her as a fellow slave with a perfectly scripted apology once again posted - and now I see what I mocked was myself and how I always created and still can create a reason to ‘not do’ something.
As Brene Brown would say “write what you need to read”! Ah how these words shattered my spine and even now I am staring at them with her book in hand I can tear up knowing I do not have all the answers to life's greatest challenges. I feel strongly that our culture of BDSM has been downgraded to sex shows and techno music. I wonder who the brave soul was that said I practice BDSM first and what exactly they meant when they said it. I remember being eighteen (1996) and finding ALT.com and being amazed it had a name while at the same time reading profiles and judging every person's profile I read. Yep, I can be a judgy little cunt.
What truly changed my outlook and provided my charity in life is….wait for it…Jewish Kabbalah! You and I both could laugh for hours how understanding God changed my life. Shall we compare this to a revelation, a spiritual awakening, oh I know Hallelujah…NO! It is more like blowing up a building, taping it off to be an empty hole for a few years, and slowly getting a permit to rebuild with the most obnoxious permit inspector you have ever met. Yes I just call God obnoxious and I mean it. Go figure the creator of the universe is a control freak, who would have thunk!!!
This realization created the thought bubble that my involvement in the BDSM community is powerful. I co-create with you. This also translates to being 100% genuine and authentic. This is the challenge I face, every moment and every day. As Pink would lament ‘It hurts to be human” and this shield is my greatest challenge to balance. My human wants to paint a picture you enjoy looking upon, and my inner child wants to flip the world off. Alas, my work is to sit with the rumble, the differences, the dynamics of diversity in BDSM without dismissing the connection we all carry! The one uniting truth in our world is finding psychological safety to seek out our deepest desires and share our dreams free from fear.
My first book is aptly titled No Limits; however, as I stared at the poster board and the white seemed to blind me with the word Limitless and it took hold. Limitless is the title of my second book I am currently writing. This feat has begun slowly as I had to come down from the first book high to see that even though I have gained much knowledge, wisdom is still a vessel forming. Just as thirteen years ago Brene Brown defined shame for me, she inspires me to go deeper and Dare to Lead. In that I find myself again learning how to be a true member of my community and finding value in all the various forms we come in! Limitless is a step above no-limits and well I need to step up.
My website is reality 101 of being an owned slave, an object, a pair of shoes, a toilet, a proud powerful enslaved person. #eved #slavelife #sadistsupper
What would you do to attain your dream? #eved #slavelife #sadistsupper #homeless #eved #kinkyshit
#eved means those marks are made by me! #sadistsupper is some #kinkyshit #slavelife
The universe gives but you gotta work for it. #slavelife #sadistsupper #bdsm #eved
Building yourself means starting in your own shit and owning every fucking inch! #slavelife #sadistsupper #homeless #eved
Honor in bondage is humility in the light. Spankies are fun yet here we delve deep into the psyche of service. #slavelife #sadistsupper #homeless #kinkyshit #eved
Matthew 7:3 Why do you look at the speck of sawdust in your brother's eye and pay no attention to the plank in your own eye?
1) If a topic is too taboo for you, skip it or ask a respectful question to educate yourself on what you do not know or wish to understand further.
2) Identify yourself as you wish to be addressed. We all live it, and we should respect one another in their station and place in service.
3) If you click on a link in someone's comment, you are responsible for your choices, not my website.
4) This is not a dating site. This is a community of collective knowledge.
5) No hate speech, no gender discrimination, or you will be banned immediately.
6) Personal experiences shared are intense and sensitive. Please be respectful of others opening up about their struggles and sacrifices in this lifestyle.
7) Do not share your personal contact information- phone numbers, address, or anything that allows you to be traced unknowingly.
8) We speak God, Country, Service, and life here. All of these are welcome topics.
9) All are welcome to share photos and informational resources, including their blogs, websites, and pages if they so choose.
10) Love one another.
The Need to Serve Transcends Self
As a willing voluntary slave, this slave kneels unchained and undaunted to embrace whatever is to come. Not abused nor any fear lies within this #slavelife of #eved, only the joy of effusive sacrifice and service under the pen name #eved.
Privacy is sacred within these walls, and none will see the Sadist's (Top, Dom, Master) face as an autobiography in this shared journey. You may call me #eved, #sadistsupper, #serviceslave, it, or any other name you so choose. The restriction of self-reference does not allow me to write concisely for others so that you will hear the I and me throughout the site. All images on all sites are of #sadistsupper in service and are copyright protected. Lastly, #sadistsupper is kept in chastity (over four years now) and is pleased by the very passion for serving. With humility to enjoy at Humiliation HILLTop. The Sadist Sandlot revels in the joy of the degraded human toilet, ashtray, cunt, and so much more. From within the realm of Poly Purpose, one will discover that so much more exists than mere S&M.
Once I believed in a singular view and a single-minded way of life. It was not a good life. I loved many things growing up and could not understand how they fit together. Plus, being raised Christian, I was told that many things I believed in were my one-way ticket to hell. The toxicity of lies posed as truths ate my spirit and began to go for the soul. This led to a life of confusion and study to be embraced. I searched for the secret of the universe and found it - Unity within Diversity.
The Almighty, our Lord, and God made us all unique, not different. To succeed at stepping into self, one must know who they are and be an active part of making the world they live in a better place. I embraced my roots in being Jewish and found peace. I understand now that the Lord made millions of humans, and when we place them in the proper role, they speak back and happily guide us with the Lord's blessing and wisdom. I am a proud practicing and learning Jewish slave with no fear that HaShem fully supports my lifestyle.
I am not going to hell either! Now that weight alone is gone, and my inner spirit has come back to life. God created me with my unique abilities and wants, along with a challenge to stay true to myself. I am not saying this road had no potholes, I fell in a few of them, but I crawled out knowing the truth that my life matters to me, the Owner, and the Almighty. If all this God talks scares you on an S&M site, please remember that it is me, just like S&M is. I will not apologize for it either. Nor will judgment be cast upon any faith on my site.
I have challenged myself and now am channeling my inner power with a fierce dedication to bring my life to fruition. When you apply discipline, commitment, and willpower to achieve your goals, you will succeed.
#eved thanks you all for visiting and hopes to see you embrace being Linked in Bondage with #slavelife to enjoy and be free to embrace S&M for the love that is misunderstood and misrepresented as unequal or unjust.
While cooking up your cravings is the sadist daily special. Graphic images are many. Blood, Black eyes, Burns, Bruises, and Scars from steel blades are treasured by #serviceslave and shared to enjoy for others.
Do you wish to be a meal for the Butcher to feast upon? Contact us at sadistsupper@outlook.com if you would like more information on #polypurpose slave life.
Your values are not a slogan or catchphrase. They are a concrete need in life and service in every aspect. If you 'act' but do not 'care,' your values are valueless. The values spoken of here are my fundamental daily values and core beliefs.
If you seek to find your actual purpose-driven values, then join the journey of this no-limit slave who proudly calls to the One True God as easy as I call to my earthly Owner.
What areas do you know are your two values? Mine are #TIME and #LOYALTY.
Got goals? This slave spent life with none. As evolution began, plans not only formed but were understood. I never believed my goalless views blocked the bounty of true happiness and true love in my life. Now I know they are Yin and Yang to one another.
What are your goals as a Top or bottom? Do you think goals matter?
What is a motto? 'No Chains Needed' This motto has deep meaning as a TPE no-limit slave. There was no google needed to create it. In serving, the endless pictures of slaves bound by chain and eyes pleading for freedom did not represent the life this slave lives and love. The freedom in serving freely in all forms is the motto.
What is a mantra? Repeated to aid in meditation and concentration. It is not a tool for self-entitlement but self-training.
What is your mantra? Do you wish to find your true mantra?
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